Foxy Production presents Carbon Copies, Michael Wang’s inaugural New York solo project. Wang uses systems that operate on a global scale as media for art: the global economy, the mass media, species distribution, and climate change become sites for aesthetic intervention.
In Carbon Copies, Wang uses twenty contemporary artworks as his referents to produce a series of delicately crafted sculptural forms. The forms’ dimensions are determined by the carbon footprint made during each original artwork’s production. These copies are paired with certificates that guarantee the offset of the original carbon footprints; together, they become artworks within the economy the artist has conceived.
Merging Institutional Critique and Land Art, Carbon Copies takes the contemporary art system and the atmosphere itself as both media and subjects. As art occupies an almost limitless terrain, the tools of its critique need to traverse a global space to make its invisible structures visible. Wang creates a speculative art economy, where each transaction both represents and negates the unrepresented energies that go into the making of an artwork.
Installation photography by Mark Woods.
Thanks to Pinar Yolacan, and Vecteur Carbone, Paris.
- Farzin, Media. "Michael Wang's 'Carbon Copies'." Art Agenda. 25 Jan. 2012. Web.
- Weist, Nicholas. "Michael Wang Makes Art Count." Interview. 6 Jan. 2012. Web.
- McGarry, Kevin. "Out There | Michael Wang's Carbon Copies." The New York Times. 12 Jan. 2012. Web.
- Price, Andrew. 'Michael Wang's "Carbon Copies" Offset the impact of Contemporary Art.' Fastcoexist. 7 Jan. 2012. Web.