PAPER RAD 23 May 2003 - 30 June 2003
Foxy Production presents BLINKY, an exhibition inspired by the energy of collaboration and participation. Blinky features anarchic aesthetic ideas springing from a techno-driven culture. ’80s video games, flying saucers, ’60s cartoon characters, and acts of transgression are subjected to exhilarating treatments that provoke both critical and pleasurable responses to received notions of technology and history.
A Constructed World (Jacqueline Riva and Geoff Lowe) presents prints and paintings that contemplate explosive situations and unruly forms of speaking. Developing from hacker culture, Cory Arcangel/BEIGE present silk-screened landscape studies, processed through Super Mario Brothers/Nintento code*. Arcangel also exhibits video works (made with BEIGE collaborators Paul B. Davis and Joseph Bonn) that are programmed and played on reverse-engineered Super Mario Brothers’ cartridges. Sarah Ciraci presents digital prints of UFOs that are seductively psychedelic rather than icons of social panic. Paper Rad (Jessica & Jacob Ciocci, Benjamin Jones) presents video and prints inspired by Gumby, Arthur Cloakey’s good-natured cartoon character. Paper Rad situates Gumby in a strangely familiar world where he somehow maintains his sublime spirit.
- Funded in part by NYSCA with a sponsored grant through Harvestworks Digital Media.